Saturday, February 28
Friday, February 27
State Bound. First Round.
The home or our Alma Matter and 08-09' Region champs...NWHS Lady Bruins. The girls made it to state and won their first round. I am so excited for them and really love to watch this team. Two of the star players are also members of our church. They have such a well-balanced and talented team with only three next year is going to be fun too.
Here are the kids cheering them on and the team rallying before tip-off! They play again Tuesday at 7 PM at home...yep we'll be there.
Monday, February 23
First Goal
Eden made her very first in-game basket in her Monday night game!! Way to go Edibug! What a star you are turning out to be.
She also managed to make her first steal and dribble half way down the court...a large feet for one so small. Eden is one of the youngest and smallest in size in the 7/8 league--so this is a very big deal for her!!
Great Job!
Sunday, February 22
February 11, 2009-February 18, 2009
A short life lived with many lives touched. She made her Mommy proud, a Nanny's heart to grow, an Aunt and Uncle to smile with joy, and two cousins happy just to see her face. Seven days and all is changed...we will never be the same.
Today was a sad day--today we said good-bye, but only for now for we shall all meet again one day. May our Angel smile upon us daily and as her Mommy said "make the sun shine."
I have been struggling for days to write this post. I have been wanting to keep everyone updated and informed...but coming up with the words has been so hard. You never in your life imagine you would have to attend a service for one so small.
Please continue to pray for our family, especially Jennifer, along with Kelly and Donna...for they are hurting for their daughter and sister for her loss.
But don't be sad for as Hank put it-"Jesus just wanted a new baby."
She is in heaven now...we'll see her again one day.
Here are the lyrics to a song that another blogger uses to express her grief of losing her own infant (look to my side bar). I love this song and the words are so true.
Bring the Rain-Mercyme
I can count a million times
People asking me how I
Can praise You with all that
I've gone through
The question just amazes me
Can circumstances possibly
Change who I forever am in You
Maybe since my life was changed
Long before these rainy days
It's never really ever crossed my mind
To turn my back on you, oh Lord
My only shelter from the storm
But instead I draw closer through these times
So I pray
Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings
You glory And I know there'll
be days When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to
praise You Jesus, bring the rain
I am yours regardless of the clouds that may
loom above because you are much greater than
my pain you who made a way for me suffering
your destiny so tell me whats a little rain
Stay strong. Bless you sweet Angel and bless your Mommy. We love and will see you in Heaven.
Tuesday, February 17
Hope and Inspiration

Jennifer was able to bathe and hold Ava yesterday. Oh, how this gives us so much hope! I pray that God continues to bless this sweet, innocent baby. May He continue to give her the strength to keep fighting and to continue to be her Mom's inspiration to keep the hope. We are so thankful for this tiny miracle and praying for more miracles to be performed daily.
God Bless all you for your prayers.
Sunday, February 15
Ganny Birthday
Saturday, February 14
Happy Valentine's Day
Ava has had a great two days. She was taken off of one of the machines that was assisting her with breathing and Jennifer was able to hold her and was informed that she could start changing her diapers. For Jenn-that meant everything. I can't imagine what it would be like to be in her situation; a new mom, happy to give birth, but sad at the outcome and then to not be able to hold my newborn. Jennifer is doing good though. She is a trooper. It is nice to be with her and to help her--I have been her "lactation assistant" a couple of times and it is nice to be able to help her with something. I even had an opportunity to sit with Ava myself and stick my hand in to hold her oh-so-tiny hand and foot and talk to her. She was so active-kicking and reaching and even tugging on the tubing coming out of her little mouth. It was very surreal and very special.
Here are some photos and video from our day.
Please keep praying...for little Ava is in desperate need. Right now she is doing great and keeps on pushing. Doctors are striving to get her to breathe on her own and then they will begin assessing her syndrome and the effects it has on her. They will be examining her to see how her internal organs are placed and aligned--they believe she has an obstruction in her intestines/stomach (they are not sure). For now they are pumping all her waste out for her and monitoring her oxygen levels.
I intend on heading back down on Wednesday-it depends on when Jenn needs me. I am looking forward to it and doing anything I need to do to help.
God Bless
Friday, February 13
Baby Ava Update
Heart on a String
Presenting the kids' Valentine surprises for their teachers, aunts, and grandmothers (a.k.a. Nanny and Ganny). Hank also picked out one he wanted me to have. Aren't these so cute?!
They are melted crayons cut-out with a heart-shaped cookie cutter. Both Eden and Hank were so excited to wear theirs to school today and to give them out to their teachers.
Happy Valentine's Day
Wednesday, February 11
Unexpected Delivery
Please keep Jennifer and Ava in your prayers as well as the family supporting her (i.e. Nanny Donna, Grandman, and Kelly). This is a very hard time for all of us.
Here are some NICU photos.
This was my first experience in a NICU facility. It is very overwhelming to be around so many sick little babies. Ava was not the only one--the room was packed. Please pray for all these families. Ava is one of the smallest at 2.7 pounds and 13 inches long...very tiny--but very precious and beautiful.
I will definitely keep everyone updated on her progress and post new pictures as I take them. We plan on heading back to Birmingham (UAB) this weekend.
Be thankful and grateful for your healthy children.
Tuesday, February 10
Monday, February 9
Hank Days
Hank playing in my preschool room. He will be spending many afternoons with me now that some schedules have changed. I had been working at the daycare, hence paying for his daycare, since I left in August. But last week I worked my final day. We have changed Hank to par time--meaning he has to be picked up by 2:00 every day (thirty minutes before I get off work). Thankfully I have a great boss that is allowing me to run out and get him on necessary days! I am still looking forward to summer and all of our time together.
Saturday, February 7
She Loves Me...Too Funny!
Enjoy! We are.
She Loves Me Video
This could be me and!
Spring-like Saturday
And then a late afternoon at the park. These were taken with my camera phone. We had a beautiful day so we decided to get Eden out and practice hitting. She starts 7/8 year old softball this year. We think she is going to do great!

What a beautiful and busy day.