Another year older for our precious little Edibug. I can't believe she is 7! She is developing in to such a beautiful little girl; inside and out. She has so much talent and be-friends everyone she meets. She is such a delight. We love you our sweet Bug-girl.
An evening sleepover with Lip-balm making and a late night swim with Emma and Lexie.
Eating Eden's birthday breakfast--sausage, eggs, grits, biscuits, and cantaloupe. Eden and Lexie prior to church...they dressed and fixed their hair themselves (also added some blue eye shadow). Beautiful girls. Happy 7th Cheesecake birthday her request (Peanut butter cup). Delish.
Last day of First Grade. My baby has grown and changed so much. I really can't believe I am a mother to a Second, how time really flies. Click here to see the first day of First Grade.
Eden kicking off the weekend with her surprise birthday present. An American Girl Doll, Chrissa. Gettting ready for Eden's party; theme-Mommy and Me, plus favorite Doll Tea Party. Time for Hank's celebration; theme-Braves Baseball Party.
Two parties in one day. I felt like Super Mom...maybe I am to have pulled this off. What a day it was and my precious babies enjoyed every minute of it--therefore so did I. I still can't believe my babes are another year older. 7 and 4. Those are big numbers. It seems like yesterday Hank was born and we celebrated his birth and Eden's third in the hospital room with a double cookie cake-half pink, half blue. Little did I know what traditions we were starting for our busy little birthday month. I love you my precious angles and would not trade any of it for the world. You are both such blessings in our lives and celebrating for the whole month of May could never express the love your Daddy and I have for you both.