The Night Before Christmas with Daddy and getting out cookies and notes for Santa!
Santa came to the Scruggs...
Kelly giving Hank his new, very own, pocket knife...yes a little scary, but a gift that will be closely monitored:)
And of course Santa brought Eden a "teen-read" one of which she begs for every grocery store visit! I am going to have to have a talk with that Santa...
And it wouldn't be Christmas day without our visit from Ganny and Pops to shower the kids with gifts!

We had a very busy Christmas season with many family activities, school and church programs, and the usual daily grind of school and work. This year I really made an effort to sit back, not plan anything (I didn't host any gatherings), and enjoy my family and the real meaning of Christmas. I have had such a full plate over the past six months that with this time of the year I really wanted to make it count for the children; Eden is at the age where she is questioning Santa, she is hearing things at school about
who brings your gifts to your house and with Hank we are just purely basking in his newfound independence and own opinions of life and all that it involves...that slowing down and really taking it
all in was extremely important to me. Who's to say what next year's Christmas will be like. Now, I know that Christmas isn't just about Santa and gifts, but as a child and the magic it brings to their little faces and hearts, I can't help but love this aspect of the holiday. My children know the real meaning of Christmas and understand that is why we celebrate, but that giving gifts and spending time with loved ones is just an added of which we love here at the Scruggs house!
And to make our Christmas even better-the Lord blessed us here in the South with a cleansing, so to say, and a new
white look at how beautiful this life is that we have been so graciously blessed with....
A White Christmas in North Georgia
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Scruggs Family