Saturday, August 14

Back to Basics

My back-to-school babes
 WOW, my 3rd grader
and my Kindergartener
Walking in to Pleasant Grove Elementary School

I can't believe another school year is here. Eden is in third grade and growing like a weed. Not only she is growing but she is blossoming into such a unique and talented little girl. She loves school and was so excited to get back and to see all of her friends. This year she is super excited for she has FOUR of her best friends in her classroom--all I have to say is poor teacher:))
Hank is ready to go too. He has changed and evolved so much over the past year; from my shy little boy who would kick and scream going in to Sunday school to a confident little man who was such a leader in his Pre-K classroom. He loves school too, and is showing to be such an intelligent little thing; performing math equations and reading some words already. 
Both children have tons in store for them in this new year of school; so much to learn, love, and enjoy. I wish you both the best and nothing but blessing for all that you put your hearts into. May God bless and keep you both.

Saturday, August 7

Tybee Time

A quick stop at Georgia Southern to show kids around daddy's school
Kelly's Fraternity House...getting a face-lift.
We made it to the beach
Dinner out at Fannie's
Mom's babies
Where Last Song with Miley Cyrus was filmed
Friends showed up...Kathy and her children Wyatt and Anna Guinn
Dinner at The Crab Shack
More beach time...Sandcastles
Catching some waves
Dinner at A-J's...where Miley frequented often while filming
A day to tour Savannah
Lunch at The Pirate's House with Captain Sparrow
touring the house...what's down there...?
....a dead Pirate!!
Touring the streets of Savannah...
famous churches...
350 year old Oaks...
statues in the squares...
haunted houses...
lavishly embellished historic homes...
Dolphin tour on Tybee
A great end to a long cream!
Last day on the beach...a view from the Pier
...more ice cream
Group shot
Flying kites...our send-off!

We had such a great time on our end-of-summer beach trip! We love Tybee and Savannah and jumped at the opportunity to take the kids. The history and beauty that surrounds this town is so incredibly awesome. Of course, the whole time we were there, we talked of our dream to someday retire on Tybee if not move to Savannah in the near future! We just loved it!! Thanks to such a great summer and all the accomplishments with my education...this was such a needed vacation:)