Tuesday, May 24

Awards Day, PGE

Kindergartner time
 With the best teachers
 Such a sweet boy:)
Eden's turn:)
 Such a great Third grade year
 Me and my awesome student!

Monday, May 23

Good Ole Days...Again

Cousins...on the field together almost 20 years apart!
Proud son and father
Cheerleaders...daughter and sister, Emma
Proud family:)
Dad too
A little play time with daddy...Hank loved his daddy is pads!
Proud wife...actually thought it was pretty cool:)
Kelly had an AWESOME opportunity to re-live his Bruin football days at NWHS and to play against their biggest rivals, Dalton Catamounts! What a night and what an opportunity. The team consisted of Northwest graduates '83-2011 with Kelly falling in with 1993 graduates and look how good he looked, almost as good at the current class of players. Kelly is in such good shape and played his heart out there knocking around with full pads and full tackle. It was so fun to watch him play and be a part of the Bruins legacy and to have the opportunity to have his kids and myself watch him play. I am pretty biased, but I thought he looked really good out there;)
And look we even made the paper...and the cheering kids....yes, that would be Eden leading the group:)) Click here for full article.

Monday, May 16

Happy Birthday Eden and Hank

 Hank's Friday the 13th birthday bash at school!
 Opening gifts with Nanny before Sunday School
 Birthday Babes...6 & 9...Skating to the 80's!

I can't believe another year has come and gone; Hank has enjoyed a perfect year in Kindergarten with perfect attendance and acceleration in his reading, while Eden is closing up Third grade with "above grade level" performance and exceptional job on the CRCT's. Ages 5 and 8 proved to be a great year for both kids as they embarked on new journeys and adventures at Pleasant Grove Elementary and United Methodist church and in the community with dance, football, soccer, cheering, softball and t-ball...whew, we've been busy! It has been quite a year with me in school and the kids being so involved, but with my wonderful husband and lots of help from Ganny, we've made it all work out and all is happy in the Scruggs house.
Summer is fast approaching and lazy days at the lake and pool are ahead; the kids and I couldn't be more happy about our summer together. Soon it will be back to the grind with fall activities, school, and dance in full swing; for now we are winding down and ready to relax.
Have a great Summer!

Sunday, May 8

Ballet Queen

  With daddy
 And Mom

Another year and Eden's 5th recital in the books! This year Eden danced to "Butterfly Fly Away" (Miley Cyrus) an emotional song for my daughter that is turning nine this month. Where does the time go? As her daddy has said "we are half way done, she is half way gone." Really? The tears stream as I type...I can't believe how fast my baby girl is growing up and all that she has become. What a precious angel we have.
Despite the sentimental and sadness value of this year's recital...our girl did a great and beautiful job, she is such a great little dancer and we couldn't be more proud.