Nothing like a trip to Tuscaloosa to say Happy was fun, AL played
GSU, Kelly's alma mater. We had a blast catching up with his Pi Kappa Phi buddies.
GSU tailgate party
Finally walking UP to our seats:)
pretty good view from the top
And then off to Gulf Shores...
Sun rising on the Gulf of Alabama...
Not many more pics for there was noone to take them:) |
and finally home to ATL to Thanksgiving with our family

Thank you, Kelly for my surprise "2nd Honeymoon" I loved it. WOW, it is so hard to believe we are celebrating 10 years of marriage. It feels like a lifetime with all that we have accomplished and the blessing of two beautiful and healthy children, yet feels like a blink in our short lives with the anticipation of many more to come. Kelly truly is my best friend and love of my life. Our trip was such a great time of relaxing beach side (with 80 degree weather), walking, talking, dinning, and just reconnecting. A whole week at the beach is a long time for a couple that has spent all of their marriage with children in the mix. We thoroughly needed this and completely enjoyed ourselves. The hardest part was missing "our babies"...although we had fun, it was hard to sit on the beach and watch other families enjoying themselves. What a blessing this trip was; a true reminder that our relationship is important and to keep it in the forefront of our family. We believe strongly in our marriage and the importance of a "complete family" for our children and for each other-we value each other. Here's to our 20 year trip (hopefully somewhere tropical) will be the next time we'll have a chance for a getaway.