While relaxing at home on Sunday with the kids; we had a little 'blunder' out of the mouth of Eden! We do not think it was on purpose nor do we know what she was trying to say, when this 4-letter work came out of her sweet little mouth. Kelly and I were in awe and actually could not help but giggle. She was helping her brother gather his footballs from behind our big chair, and she was having a difficult time reaching them. In the midst of her reaching she mumbled something about Hank and him trying to 'shoot' the balls, but then it came out (several times) sounding like the word that resembles shoot. She said it over and over, not realizing what she was saying, and then realizing Kelly and I being so shocked, she asked what she had done. I had to explain that words like that were not nice to say and especially out of mouths of beautiful girls like her! She is so precious and such a great child! I love you my little Edibug!
Some of my favorite pictures of Eden as a baby!
They grow up way too fast!

1 comment:
out of the mouth of babes! Looking at those baby pictures just reminds me of how much fun life has been since the very instant she first looked at me!
Love, Nanny
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