This is Hank after his traumatic event with Eden's Easy Bake Oven last night. And when I say traumatic I mean dramatic with the Dalton fire department and paramedics.
So here is the story; Kelly was gone (officiating high school football) and the kids and I were getting ready for Eden's football game (cheerleading), when I hear "mom....I am stuck, help me." I first kind of ignored it thinking he'll get out of what ever he is 'stuck' in. Well, several calls for help ended up in a frantic scream of "it's pinching" as loud as he could. I run into the laundry room to find my baby boy with his precious little hand stuck inside of the Easy Bake Oven. My immediate reaction was panic, because I had heard of these being recalled last year (or so) hence the reason it was stored away in the laundry room. I tried, at first, to gently pull his little hand out (it was in the actual oven part--if you've seen one you would know and luckily it was not on), but several hysterical screams later, I reluctantly pulled out my phone and dialed 911. I really didn't want to bother the EMS in Dalton with our minor problem, but I kept visualizing what his fingers might be going through inside that little metal oven--they were clamped down in the door (very hard to explain), Kelly wasn't home to help me, and I was sort of panicking too. I asked the dispatch to just please tell me what I should do and if she had to send anyone, to just please send one person...not a whole truck! Well, before I knew it I heard sirens and five firemen were coming in my door. At this point Hank was screaming "no 911 momma, I just want you." It broke my heart that I could not help him. Thankfully, just last week at Hank's preschool they had had a visit from the local fire station and Hank was pleased to see the firemen and he actually quit crying. Everyone that knows me, knows that I am addicted to this blog, and will find reasons to take pictures just so I can create a post...I was dieing to grab my camera as the five big firemen held up this little pink toaster and worked to retrieve it off my son's hand. Reluctantly I remained calm and stayed be Hank's side thinking 'I'll just get one when they are finished.' Am I horrible or what?
Anyway after 30 minutes of the remarkable men unscrewing, tugging, and eventually wanting to use KY Jelly (yes, KY--apparently they keep it on their trucks, I offered Wesson Oil), Hank's little hand just popped right out (oh, and by this time the Ambulance had arrived).
We are very thankful for the DFD and EMT that they took time out to help us with our little emergency. Afterwards, they took both kids out, showed them the fire truck (with the whole neighborhood watching)...and at this point, making the firemen's day, Hank says "Mommy I want to be a firemen and drive that big truck when I get big." It was so sweet.
So our dramatic event turned out to be not so traumatic. We ended our evening by going to Chik-fil-A for an icecream--to cheer my little man up. It seemed to work.
The culprit

omg! :)
my poor hankie boy! I'm so glad i got to talk to him and hear the story "1st hand". He seemed to want to talk about the big fire truck more than anything. I'm so glad he's OK! by the way, I'm glad that you document events - can look back in years to come and (hopefully) laugh about these incidents! Hug and kisses to all.
that is should have grabbed the camera...i don't think they would have minded.
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