If the truth be said, I think I was more excited to be there than anyone. All the memories came rushing back; the squeaking of shoes on the floor, whistles blowing, the clock buzzing, loud music during breaks, and the smell of popcorn lingering from the concession stand...even the poor girl on the bench in front of us with her ACL brace on. Oh, how I longed to be seventeen again and out on that floor diving for loose balls! But instead I am thirty...and watching from the stands. Depressing and humbling.
On the way home Kelly and I talked, and I am thinking of every way possible I could get that "feeling" back again; a women's league? "no, you'll get hurt," Kelly says, "coaching Eden's team?" (which I have been helping a little) no, fun...but not that engaging, I think to myself. "Maybe I could referee?", "good thought," mentions Kelly, "at least you will get paid." Get paid? Hmmmm. I could be a coach and get paid.
So there, my personal thoughts, hopes, and dreams, all put out on the table. I had recently spoken to my old high school coach, and she had offered me a volunteer-only job with the freshmen guards, which at the time I had to turn down due to conflicts with school, dance, daycare duties, etc. I may make a call and see if that option is still open...at least that will open up some doors.
So what do I do next? I will have my undergraduate degree finished in May (finally), but in Organizational Management...not teaching. I am currently employed with the county school system, so that does leave my options open. I am seriously considering Graduate school next summer, hopefully through Covenant, which has a Masters in Education program that ties on a certificate to teach. I just have to apply and pray that I get in!
So there you have it...my new goal(s) that I have set before myself. I expect you all; family, friends, and loyal followers of my very personal blog, to hold me accountable as I strive to achieve my dreams!
ha ha ha - eric tells me all the time I am crazy and that our gateway's gonna blow up! :) yea, funny - when you type my page in it says 862+ items loading......oh well! what can i say, i'm a pic freak!
My sweet Jo. Just as you said with Eden, you can do anything you set your mind to with dedication and hard work. I don't doubt for one minute that you would be the best teacher and coach; actually I've always known that you would be a teacher!
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