I went and had lunch with Eden today...oh the joy of cafeteria food. Eden is one of those students that every body loves-you can just see them grin at her as she walks by...teachers and friends. But she is also that student that is mischievous and a trouble maker. Today she was one of five students in her class that had to eat in the cafeteria--the rest were being rewarded and were allowed to eat in the classroom. Eden was totally oblivious...she didn't care she was being left out-she is just happy to be alive! That is what I love about my girl--so happy-go-lucky! But, on the other hand I don't understand why it doesn't phase her that she was missing out on what was to be a reward for her and her classmates. She was so content to sit at a table with only two other students and me. I want her to care. I want her to be a good student. Kelly and I had a conference with her teacher yesterday, Mrs. Brown. It went well. Kelly and I wanted to discuss some issues with Eden such as responsibility, school work, and second grade (next year). Eden is excelling in reading...she is at the top of her class and is actually placed in reading groups with slower readers as a helper--but we were informed that Eden "can't handle group work" and has to be moved during these sessions. We are also told (and saw with our own eyes) that Eden's desk has been moved to accommodate her classmates because Eden can't stay seated and no one can see over or around her when she is in place with her fellow students...she wants to stand next to her chair with one knee ever-so-gently placed in her seat. This isn't so bad--her teacher moved her so that she can continue to stand if she wishes and so that everyone would be happy. She is know perpendicular to her classmates next to a window. Kind of sad...but if she is learning and doing her work-no biggie. We also received the information that Eden isn't doing so well in math. This isn't news to us-but thought she had improved some. We are striving and looking for ways to improve this. Mrs. Brown did comment that the worst thing would be that Eden would be "placed" in to second grade instead of promoted. I really was not sure what that meant. I learned today that it means she did not meet all requirements to be moved up, but that she did qualify for the most part to be moved up. That completely breaks my heart. Everyone prays and wishes the best for their children. I even thought as smart as she was going in to Kindergarten that she might be tested for Alpha (accelerated class) one day. But so far no mention. For me that is not a huge deal. I was never in Alpha and I graduated high school with a 3.8 GPA. I am, however, still trying to complete college. I guess as a mother--I am going to blame myself for everything. The good news-she is only in first grade and there is still time in this school year to get her caught up in math and for her to be promoted to the second grade. We started last night looking online for helpful math sites...one's that she can navigate by herself and improve her skills. I intend to spend more time making up my own worksheets and practicing with her.
So back to our lunch date. Eden was so cute. Today was pajama day and she was excited to show me all her friends in their pj's. She even asked me where mine were. Silly girl:). My baby is growing up and she is so big. I am so proud to be her mother and feel so privileged that God blessed me with this perfect, healthy, beautiful, smart, sassy, independent, head-strong, talented, most wonderful little girl! The list could go on and on.
So here is to my precious Edibug. May you continue to blossom and grow...at your own rate. You will be you and that is all we ask for.
I love you dearly. Mommy.
1 comment:
I know that my Edibug can do anything she puts her mind to - and I know ya'll will find a way to make that happen. She's so darn cute!
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