Today was the second day of Vacation Bible School. While picking the kids up I hid in the back of the room so that I may watch them with their friends and group leaders in the final moments of their day. Hank would not go to bible school on Monday-but today he stayed and was quite excited about it. I rarely get a chance to see Hank comfortable in public settings without him attached to my leg. Well, needless to say he brought a tear to my eye. My big boy walked in to the Fellowship Hall in line with his bible school-mates and leader, he had his crafts from the day in his hands, and marched straight to his seat all the while interacting with a new little buddy. I stood and watched as he listened intently to the director on the stage and while he attempted to dance along.
Moments like this are so sweet. To see my children as independent members of society and to make themselves known and comfortable with out their parents near.
Thank you, Hank, for making Mommy's day. It gives me comfort to know you are a social and happy child.
It is no secret that we struggle with our precious Edibug. She is strong-headed and has a personality of her own. This summer has tested us all with all the extra time we have had on our hands and Eden is doing her best to make my days easier.
Tonight after dinner I asked Eden to help me in the kitchen...hoping to teach her some responsibilities. Upon asking for her assistance she immediately hopped right to it. Eden was successful and very helpful with unloading the dishwasher. She was so proud in the end when she was able to unload every item and place them in their correct places in out kitchen cabinets.
Thank you, Eden, for helping me in the kitchen. You seem to take notice that my job is not always easy and that you appreciate that I had provided dinner for you and our family. What a sweet little soul you have.

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