Saturday, July 30


Oh where to begin...
I have been on this path for quite some time, 1997 to be exact:) the year I graduated high school and entered as a freshman at Covenant College. I take full responsibility for not accomplishing my goals prior to now, but over the past 14 years I have had quite the road blocks-none of which I regret; injuries, life interruptions such as moving, marriage, the birth of two children...the list could go on and on. But none of that matters, for today I have finally reached the end of that road, I am officially a teacher, a Special Education teacher.
My heart has just grown leaps and bounds for these children; the disabled ones, the ones that others see difficult to teach and others whom consider them not teachable. I am now their advocate and I am so ready to take on that job. It's been an interesting road and I feel it all was necessary to be who I am today; God doesn't make wrong decisions, and I have walked the path for which He had intended.
I am graduating with a 3.98, not perfect but pretty darn close. I am so proud of myself and am so thankful for all of the support-from my mom for babysitting so much, my husband for taking over house hold duties such as laundry and running the kids around, to my kids whom gave up their mommy (only some) so that I could read, study, do projects, and go to class at least twice a week and their whole summers (twice). I am truly grateful to them all; I couldn't have done this without everyone's support.
I received a call on job offering. Wow, I interviewed in June and have waited ALL summer for this call! A teaching position in Whitfield County, the county for which I have grown up and have been working as a paraprofessional the past three years. I will be teaching preschool special education as a co-teacher in a Head Start classroom; an inclusion classroom with fifteen 3-5 year old's-half special needs and half your typical preschool student with no known disabilities. I am so excited and cannot wait to begin.


Words cannot express how excited, elated, happy, honored, proud, etc., I am! This is a point in my life that I have wished for for quite some time. Everything in your life happens for a one of the undergrad's quoted at Commissioning "if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." God has had a plan for me all along and this was all a part of it; not the exact tract I had intended to take but God knew what I needed best.

So, here I am with a Masters of Arts in Teaching in Special Education and waiting to begin my life as a special educator. Let the fun begin...!