Wednesday, July 30

Brothers and Fries

I took today off to spend with the kids and to run errands before Eden starts school next week. We ended up at Burger King, where when we first walked up to the door, Eden stopped, kissed her hand and placed it on the child-high poster of the infamous Jonas Brothers hanging so conveniently placed. I just thought that was so cute...oh and by the way she informed me her favorite is Joe!

After sitting down with our kids' meals to eat, Eden sat quietly munching on the new apple fries, that they are now offering, when so innocently and sweetly she tells me; "these apple fries just taste like real apples."

The innocent and naive words of babes...

Eden's inspiration:

Monday, July 28

Working for the weekend...

Once again, week took the kids along with several other couples and families, to Lake Ocoee for a weekend of camping and spending the days on the boat and in the water! We had a great and wonderful always!

B/W from our weekend!

The Island

Our very own island :)


Fishing with Kevin and Hunter.

Roasting marsh mellows on the fire.

Playing on the rope swing off the banks.

The sun setting on the lake...our view!

Wednesday, July 23

High Heels

It is very common to find Eden prancing around the house in my not Hank! Needless to say, he enjoys playing in mommy's shoes too!

Sunday, July 20


Heidi's 32nd

Happy birthday my dear sister.
We had a great time hanging out with our group of wonderful friends for a night our for Heidi's birthday! We enjoyed dinner and a semi-funny, comedy act in Chattanooga!

Dinner at Chili's

The main attraction

Friday, July 18

A Trip to the ER

One set of old wooden cubbies...

Plus one mischievous child...

Equals a trip to the Emergency Room with a bloody nose and a head contusion!

We have seen our share of doctors the last few days with Eden. If you can't tell, in the last picture, she has a bruised and swollen nose (along with other scratches and bruises). This all happened in our church gym while at Preschool (yes, my preschool on my watch)while playing and being her mischievous-self. She was hanging on these cubbies and pulled them on to herself, while pinned on a concrete floor.

All is good--nothing is broken and no concussion-which was our first thought. Keep her in your prayers for she is in a lot of pain with her neck and head. :)

Almost 24 hours later with two (slightly) black eyes!

Update-we went to our pediatrician today, whom I love, for a more intense examination. My doctor took her right back to see her and examined her from her head to toes and actually ordered an X-ray to her right forearm that was bruised from the fall as well. Thankfully, there was no fracture their either. We truly are blessed that Eden came out of this accident in the shape she is in. As she keeps telling me, "God, does watch over me with my guardian angels." Thank you, Jesus!

48 hours later

Thursday, July 17

"No Tears"

Two things you are probably wondering:
1. Why am I posting this picture?
2. How come I even had my camera in a doctor's office?

Well, for one I take my camera every where I go, it just lives in my
purse. Two, I thought Eden was so cute in her little modesty get-up at her six year check up, that I just had to blog about it.

As you all know, Eden turned 6 in May and therefore was ready for her annual check-up. This year she was half-way excited because she knew she no longer needed any vaccines but was dreading the finger prick that is necessary for her bloodwork. She did so good and is such a big girl. As a mom, I never imagined attending well-visits with my children and them actually speaking to me and comprehending that "hey, I don't have to cry," as Eden put it, "I am big now and look Mom, not tears!"

Now if it only worked that way with Hank, he still has many rounds to go before he stats 'big boy' school!:) Sorry son...