Thursday, September 18

God's promise

This was the sight at Eden's ball game on Monday night. We arrived at the park in a down poor, but of course all the kids still wanted to play/cheer. As a mother, I wanted to take my two home and stay inside where it was dry and warm...but these little guys wanted to stick it out. By the time we parked the car, walked across the road, parking lot, and field-with no umbrella, and arrived at the dugout where Eden's team was waiting...the rain had stopped the clouds had rolled back, and what had appeared, not one, but two rainbows! My little Eden was ecstatic! She, like the rest of us, had seen the damage of the recent hurricane Ike, and was particularly bothered by the sight of all the 'drowning' houses. Seeing this rainbow in the sky was a reminder to us all, especially Eden, of God's promise to his faithful people!

The clouds

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