...not a very good start for the Hankster...or for Mom and Dad. Hank was not pleased with daddy dropping him off in a strange place with strange faces. Although we had had orientation, little Hank just wasn't quite ready for this transition. Good for me (and for Hank) I have several co-workers and friends who either work in his center or are in and out to service kids (i.e. what my job consists of) and were able to report to me his daily progress. I had my first call at 8:15 (Hank had been there only 20 minutes) with a report from friend #1 "that Dad had a hard time and poor Hank was chasing him down the hallway." Call two was from daddy himself informing me that he had to return Hank to his classroom two times before a teacher offered to help...very frustrating. At this point I had made several calls myself to check to make sure he was still in his class when he teachers tells me that they have had to block the door to keep him in. Call three was friend #1 saying he had calmed down and a trip to the playground had eased his spirits. Tear. Sigh. My poor baby.
Bedtime read---The Kissing Hand, in hopes of a better second day.
Day two seemed to be a little better. He cried at drop-off according to Dad. His teacher informed me that while trying to run out he had closed his hand in the door therefor making him even more upset...:( Spy #2 checked in on him to tell me that she witnessed him laughing and playing. Smile. Not once, but twice. Yay Hank. At pick-up he tells daddy "I had a good day." Prayers answered.
What a rough start. I continue to pray for strength for my precious boy. I will definitely keep everyone informed on his progress...lets just hope it gets better :)
1 comment:
Each day just gets better for him! I'm so proud of him (& his parents!. I know it's been hard
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