Saturday, February 14

Happy Valentine's Day

We spent our weekend with Jenn and Ava...what a special way to spend a day about love. Kelly and I celebrated our 7th Valentines together--after that many you don't necessarily have to have the whole hoopla over the Hallmark Holiday. Anyway, we enjoyed our day with this precious little infant and our family. We were joined by the Bell sisters, cousins Julia and Stephen and Bernie and Susan. It was a nice day...but with two impatient and very energetic kids, it got a little rough trying to keep them entertained in a waiting room. We went prepared with Leap Frog games, Nintendo DS, crayons, markers, coloring books, food, and even Hank's tool box crammed with all his Super Hero's...even that didn't keep them happy. So I decided to give the kids a break and take them to see a movie-Hotel For Dogs. It was a nice chance to get the kids out and allow them to laugh and play and not feel guilty about it. It is hard to be happy when we have so much sadness going on.
Ava has had a great two days. She was taken off of one of the machines that was assisting her with breathing and Jennifer was able to hold her and was informed that she could start changing her diapers. For Jenn-that meant everything. I can't imagine what it would be like to be in her situation; a new mom, happy to give birth, but sad at the outcome and then to not be able to hold my newborn. Jennifer is doing good though. She is a trooper. It is nice to be with her and to help her--I have been her "lactation assistant" a couple of times and it is nice to be able to help her with something. I even had an opportunity to sit with Ava myself and stick my hand in to hold her oh-so-tiny hand and foot and talk to her. She was so active-kicking and reaching and even tugging on the tubing coming out of her little mouth. It was very surreal and very special.

Here are some photos and video from our day.

Please keep praying...for little Ava is in desperate need. Right now she is doing great and keeps on pushing. Doctors are striving to get her to breathe on her own and then they will begin assessing her syndrome and the effects it has on her. They will be examining her to see how her internal organs are placed and aligned--they believe she has an obstruction in her intestines/stomach (they are not sure). For now they are pumping all her waste out for her and monitoring her oxygen levels.
I intend on heading back down on Wednesday-it depends on when Jenn needs me. I am looking forward to it and doing anything I need to do to help.
God Bless

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