Wednesday, December 1

Christmas is in the air...

Each year I like to take a special event or activity from the year and build our theme for our family Christmas cards. Last year was the Covenant "photo shoot," since I had (finally) graduated with my degree and this year is no different. I wanted to capture the beauty of our church and the very place our children were baptized, Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church. Eden was so excited to finally wear her favorite red dress and to Hank was happy to be allowed in the balcony, the pulpit, etc. Due to a habit for church members to linger around the sanctuary after Sunday service and have the audacity to stand where I wanted to capture my shots (hint of sarcasm) and the pastor slowly turning all the lights out...we had to defer to the Narthex and outdoors for our shots. It was a pretty day and the kids loved posing together. Here is what I captured...

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