Friday, January 23

"Jesus' Off Day"

Funny story:
Our church, as a mission/fundraiser for the Men's Club, buys and butchers pigs and the sells the sausage to members and to the public. Well, on Friday when pulling up to the preschool to pick up Hank, I sent Eden over to the church with $3.50 to buy a pound. I was going to run in to the adjacent center (where I was actually working for the evening) and then she would meet me inside. I took my time in the parking lot gathering my purse and her backpack, so that I could watch to make sure she got in the door. As I was locking the doors I looked up to see Eden already heading back over to me from the secretary's entrance. She then says "I guess Jesus isn't working today, no one answered the door."
I laughed so hard! She is too funny and she was very serious. Too cute. I just love that girl.
Things kids say :)


The Rogers Family said...

This story was so funny ~ sounds just like something Edibug would say. BTW ~ did you see me today when I honked at you? :)

Mrs. Scruggs said...

Yes. Were you picking up Emma...we were heading to the same place for bball.

Anonymous said...

That's my bug.....she is and says just the cutest things!